Principles of Effective Management

Management is the act of coordinating a group of people to achieve a specific goal while accounting for ever-present change and uncertainty. Competency in management is learned through experience. The following principles go into making an effective management:  Principles of Effective Management

    • Recruit the smallest group of people who can accomplish what must be done quickly and with the high quality required.
    • Create an environment where everyone can be as productive as possible then allow people to do their work. Provide the best equipment and tools for your team and shield them from distractions like non-essential bureaucracy and meetings.
    • Clearly communicate the desired end result, who is responsible for what and the current status.
    • Refrain from having unrealistic expectations regarding certainty and prediction.
    • Treat people with respect consistently using the golden rule. This is the best way to make the individuals on your team feel important and respect you as their manager.
    • Take audit of your management style and see if it is working, if not try another approach.
    • Effective management means planning for learning which requires constantly making adjustments along the way.

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