You spend hours researching, writing and designing blog posts, only to have a few people trickle in here and there to check it out. You know you’ve got great content, but there is just so many other bigger bloggers out there serving your audience. How can you get your site in front of more people? Not just any people though, you want loyal readers in your target audience. The answer is simple- creative marketing! You have to think outside the box!
If you’re new to blogging, you might be wondering how you can stand out amongst the millions of other bigger bloggers! You don’t want to spend a lot of money on marketing, but you do want success! I suggest- creative marketing! It’s an effective method that can save you money and resources, but still get you real results!
Just because you’re a blogger and not necessarily a ‘business, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t focus on creating a marketing strategy! That’s often a beginner bloggers first mistake, not strategizing like a business and not thinking big enough.

What is Creative Marketing?
Simply put, creative marketing is thinking outside the box. Use your imagination to be different. Different is good… not, actually it’s great! You can do this in every step of your blogging plan. First and foremost, you need to understand your ideal audience. Not all creative marketing tactics will work on every person. Knowing who you are serving, can help you develop the most effective way to approach them. Who do you picture reading your blog? Who is reading it? Who are you writing for? Set your tone accordingly, but don’t be afraid to try new things!
- Brand Yourself.
It all starts here. Use your personality to inspire your brand design. Branding is so much more than just a logo and name. It should be an experience your audience has when they stop by your site. Ever notice how some blogs just make you feel good, so you click through more and more posts and the next thing you know you’ve spent an hour in awe of their blog! That’s branding done right! It should be neat and flow. Branding is a process that’s not done overnight. It takes a while to establish yourself and create a site that fits just right with you!
Check Out What Starbucks Taught Me About Branding!
Recommended Articles & Resources:
- Use Social Media.
An important part of any marketing plan is using social media effectively. Everyone is on social these days. Some small businesses and bloggers have gained HUGE attention through their unique social media marketing tactics. Get creative and even dare to spark a little controversy to get people talking.
- Connect With Your Audience.
This is a great marketing strategy because your audience will feel an immediate connection to you! Don’t be afraid to talk to your followers. Offer a poll, or ask for advice or feedback! And always respond to any questions or concerns. This shows you care and are there to help! People want to feel like they know you. It’s not as easy to connect through a screen, than it is in person. That’s why it’s important to show a little (or a lot) of personality in your branding:)
Related: Content marketing strategy
- Address Any Problems Quickly
If there’s a problem with your site or one of your blog posts for example, don’t ignore the issue. Address it quickly and move on. People will totally understand. Everyone makes mistakes.
- Create A Meme
Memes are a great way to have fun and showcase your creativity. Memes also tend to get shared, which can help you gain the traction you need to succeed.
- Use National Days
Seems everything has a day, and businesses and bloggers are using those days to create content! Have fun with it and celebrate… Hello National Donut Day?!
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Having a creative marketing strategy can help any business succeed, but it’s especially important for anyone who is just starting out and wants to be noticed fast!
- Quality Content
This may seem obvious to many but it can never become too
Important. So I have to say it again- strive to produce top quality content.
- Put Your Audience First
Make your readers feel special when they stop by your blog and they will be sure to return for more. They’ll also be more likely to subscribe, share and recommend your blog!
You can also read: Content marketing Tools that every Blogger needs
- Use Your Logo For Recognition
Logos are a great way to showcase your creative side. Once you have the perfect logo, include it on your site and in your promotion on social media. Along with the other tips, people will recognize the logo and know that on the other side of the click is an awesome blog!
9 Creative Marketing Strategies you can't live without as a Blogger #Contentmarketing #Bloggingtips Share on XStarting a blog can be time-consuming and stressful, but it doesn’t have to be!
Creative marketing isn’t complicated, but it will take some effort. You can learn a lot about creative marketing just by studying successful internet marketing campaigns. Check out other blogs within your niche to see how they have used creative marketing. Creative marketing tactics can be utilized in almost every aspect of blogging from website design to search engine optimization strategies and their social media content. I hope you can use this information to inspire some marketing creativity soon!
About the Author:
Steph is a former journalist from Canada. She is currently studying social media marketing and blogs about everything from blog branding, health, wellness, sleep and beauty! For a slice of Steph’s Social Pie, check out her blogs:
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