7 Easy Ways to gather Backlinks and Improve Your SEO

Backlinks sound pretty complicated and can be a little scary at first, but with a little effort and some reaching out strategies, backlinks can be acquired.

What’s the hype about backlinks anyway you may ask? Well, Backlinks are really amazing for SEO and should not be ignored.

Let’s really clear the confusion around backlinks, what they are and how they really work.

Simply put, backlinks are links that connect one site to another site in the form of an image, direct URL or text.  They are important because of the Google Algorithm rates website credibility and is a major factor in deciding whether to show the content on the first page of the search result or not. Google wants to make sure that they deliver quality content to answer the search inquiry and avoid showing spam websites to its users.

There are many methods of getting quality backlinks and it’s important to understand that there are black hat methods out there, but they should not be the desired route for you. Using these black hat techniques could hurt your website credibility and Google will punish you for it.

Here are some white hat techniques to obtain backlinks and improve your overall SEO score:

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  1. Comment on other blog posts

Even though it may seem counter-intuitive to leave a comment on someone else’s work, leaving a thoughtful comment can help build healthy relationships. I definitely do not suggest leaving your blog link within the comment as that can be perceived as spam and self-centered. However leaving a  comment that states something positive about the author and something thoughtful about the article can trigger a response from the author, thus creating relationships.

Relationship building equals backlink building.

  1. Link out to authoritative websites

This method also seems counter-intuitive.

You link to other websites, providing them backlinks and you don’t even know if you will get a link back from them.

However, when you link out to websites that have more authority than yours, you have a great conversation starter to begin building relationships.

Neil Patel even has an email template that he sends out when he completes his backlink process.

Hello, [name]!

I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your [blog post you linked to]. You’ve been creating content for quite a while, and I’ve always found your information valuable to my business.

In fact, I enjoyed the particular article so much that I linked to it in [the article you wrote]. Let me know what you think of the piece!

I’ll keep doing what I can to share your remarkable content with my audience in the future.

Thanks again for all the awesome insight.

[your name]

When you reach out like this, you build stronger relationships and there is a chance that website reciprocates the backlink.

<<Thanks for the template, Neil! >>

  1. Engage on social platforms

When you are active on social media, Google can tell that your website is relevant and active. When your website receives activity, your rankings with Google start to improve.

It’s a good idea to start off with one or two social media platforms and build up to being active across several when you figure out your strategies.

The most important thing when using social media for backlink building  is to ensure the website information, address and phone number are the same across all platforms.

Make sure you don’t BUY your followers, as that would be “cheating” and could hurt your overall SEO if Google sees you as a spam account.

Effective ways to gather backlinks and improve your Blog SEO
  1. Guest post on other blogs

Writing quality content for another blog is a great way to get more backlinks. It can be tough to secure a blog to post to, but if your blog is well written, bloggers will reach out to you for an article.

Here is a quick guideline for guest blogging success:

  • Find the website you would like to guest post on.
    Quick tip, within Twitter search ” [niche] guest post” and you will find websites that accept guest posts. How to find Websites to Guest Post on for Effective Backlinks
  • Get your posts and titles all mapped out and ready to present to your list of researched websites from the previous step
  • Send out your email stating you would like to guest post. Remember to start off with a compliment about their blog and then go into our pitch.
  • Once your post is accepted and published, make sure you respond to any comments the readers may leave on your article.

That’s it! When you guest post more often, you’ll find your own little ways of making your post stand out, but that comes with practice.

Related: How to Bootstrap Backlink Building with Social Media Outreach

  1. Write great content and post it in multiple places

Once you publish your blog post, don’t just leave it on your website.

Publish it to Medium or Flipboard 

Publish it to Quora or Reddit. 

Share it on LinkedIn as an article (make sure to write half of the article and then add “read more” at the bottom to drive people to your website to finish reading the post)

You’ve got great content, so flaunt it!

  1. Conduct a survey 

Another great way to achieve backlink success is by conducting a survey related to your niche. Ask your audience a list of questions.  Analyze the stats you receive, then write a press release about it.  If someone out there enjoys your survey results and wants to share this information, there is a good chance you will get a backlink out of it.

The Ultimate Guide to On-page SEO for Beginner Bloggers

  1. Create infographics

Eye-tracking studies have discovered that online readers love to see information-carrying images such as infographics and charts.

It can be a little intimidating to create an infographic these days, but there are many resources that simplify this process for you, even if you’re not a graphic designer. The tool I have in mind is Canva.com, and there are other alternatives if you wish to use them.

You can also hire someone on Fiverr.com to create your graphic for you.

The goal is to create a great infographic and promote it like crazy.  If it’s an awesome and informative infographic, then people will add it to their blog posts and shout it out on social media.

This is a great tactic if you want your content to go viral. Just be sure to research your topic thoroughly and ensure people actually want to know the information your graphic is displaying. Buzzsumo is a great tool for this research.

Don’t get discouraged if it takes some time to get quality backlinks. None of these tasks are particularly difficult but it does take patience and perseverance to achieve success with backlinks. The work is definitely worth it because if Google likes your website and shows it on the first page of results, your traffic will increase and so will your sales.

If you have any questions about this article or more details about backlinks, please feel free to leave it in the comment below.

Simple Ways to Build Backlinks on Your blog #SEO #Bloggingtips Click To Tweet

Also read: 10 Effective ways to building backlinks on your blog

About the Author:

Hi, I’m Elizabeth!
I know how it feels to be lost and confused in this world of  Online Marketing.
Thus, I created the  Online Marketing Mayhem blog so that I can give entrepreneurs, network marketers and bloggers the courage to get their website up to par with simple SEO tactics and reach out to potential clients and customers through social media channels.

You can connect with me on Social Media Via:

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/onlinemarketingmayhem

Twitter: https://twitter.com/online_mayhem

Please you may follow us and share:

Author: John Mulindi

John writes on a variety of topics. He blogs on topics ranging from social media marketing (SMM), search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), email marketing, business, personal finance tech, entrepreneurship to personal development. In free time he likes watching football, reading, listening to music and taking nature walks.

139 thoughts on “7 Easy Ways to gather Backlinks and Improve Your SEO”

  1. This couldn’t have come at more convenient time! I’m just starting to build backlinks to my new site. One thing that’s keeping me from reaching out to more authoritative sites is lack of confidence.

  2. You have provided a lot of good information here. I have been working through several of your suggestions and have plans to work on the others. Great post!

  3. Thank you for sharing these 7 ways to gain backlinks and improve SEO. SEO is one of my current focuses in blogging and I found your article to be extremely helpful, especially the email template from Neil and the advice to link to websites with more authority.

  4. I’m surprised to learn that it’s okay to post your article on other platforms like Medium I was under the impression that it was a no-no for Google. Also, I agree that inforgraphics are important. I’m working on making at least one for each of my posts.

  5. Pingback: jordan 13
  6. Great article, loved the last two tips. Surveys about a specific niche is indeed something unique & of great value. Also infographics have the best share ratio compared to all kind of posts! Keep up the good work!

  7. Really great article! I learned several things that I haven’t really tried to dive into yet. And a few other tips- like publishing my articles on Quora (which I am a member of), and writing a little bit of the opening of a post on LinkedIn when I post it. Great ideas, thank you! I can’t wait to start reaching out to others to guest post for them too!

  8. Really helpful info and I love that template for sending out to the big blogs if you comment and love their content! What a great way to show you’re a fan of their work and get noticed!

  9. This article was very informative – thank you for sharing. When pitching and writing guest posts for other blogs, do you write brand new posts? Or can you offer a post you’ve already written if it’s a good fit for their niche and audience? This idea of guest posting is very new to me. Thank you again!

  10. So many people fail to consider the importance of networking in the online world. The fact that we aren’t interacting face to face doesn’t take away from the value that true connections can bring to your work! Thanks for sharing

  11. Thanks so much for the insight.
    I’ve used backlinks for awhile — not with the thought of they’re great for marketing — but because giving credit where credit is due, is always the right thing to do.
    I’ll be checking out your suggestions on where else to cross-list my blog articles — so huge thanks for that info.
    Do you have an article on ‘adding Pinterest pin buttons’ directly from a blog?

    1. Hi, thanks so much for that insightful feedback. I don’t have that particular post on my site on Pinterest pin buttons, but if you use Shareaholic plugin, it is easy to add that feature to your images. You just set this in shareaholic dashboard.

  12. Great tips thank you! I’m glad to see I do most of these now, finally.

    I’d like to guest blog every now and then but most want a monthly or bi-weekly continual commitment, which I just can’t do. So, I concentrate on writing content for my own site, which does take me a while.

    Many thanks for stopping by my Travel and Photography blog.

  13. This is a very informative article. As a new blogger I continue to learn more and more each day!! Thank you so much for sharing. I will pin this to read over again!

    1. Hi, it depends, if you want your articles to rank first on LinkedIn, then it should be original, but if you want your blog articles to rank first, you can re-post the same article on LinkedIn, but Google will consider your blog’s article first for ranking.

  14. With today’s trending ways to reach a bigger audience, many businesses, fields, and firms are using websites to reach their target audience. Due to millions of existing websites all over the internet, there are only a few chances for your website to appear on top pages of the search engines. Applying the impact of Search Engine Optimization is really essential in marketing and making your website more visible. Thank you for sharing these helpful tips!

  15. This article is great! Thank you for sharing such valuable information! I am just starting to learn the importance of backlinks and building blog connections within the community.

    You make it easy and straight forward to understand.

  16. Indeed, creating good content along with infographics is the best way to grab users attention & value.Guest posting is another great technique that can boost traffic & ranking as well. Your post is informative, worth considering.

  17. I could definitely up my SEO game, it can seem like a very overwhelming task at times. Your ideas are straightforward, I should have no problem implementing these strategies.

  18. Thank you so much for explaining this so well. I was really lost and confused about backlinks but now I totally get it. I’m new to blogging and learning something new everyday, thank you for the all the great tips and info.

  19. This post was so useful! I love the way you have laid out each section. It’s really easy to follow. I like the ‘read more’ LinkedIn article idea! I write LinkedIn articles for work, but have always done a full article. I’ve been missing a trick 🙂 Thanks for the great read. Rach

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