Over 9 Best tools to help you Manage your Social Media Networks

Social media networks like Facebook, & Instagram , (X) Twitter etc. have a great potential of bringing a large traffic to your website or blog. There are tools that can help you to efficiently manage the social media to take advantage of the big traffic generated by these networks. Social media marketing and Management encompasses various tasks that you have to undertake and perform on a regular basis. Social media management tools helps you achieve this in an effective and easy way.

9 Tools to help you with Social Media Marketing

These tools help you automate most of the social media management tasks: you can post your articles, images or videos, schedule tweets and messages. They also provide you with a detailed reporting and analysis system. In this article we look at some of the best tools you can utilize to manage your social media networks. 


With SocialBu you simplify every aspect of managing your social accounts from creating and scheduling posts to reporting and performance analysis.

This tool helps you reduce the time you would spend managing your social media accounts. SocialBu works with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.


Sproutsocial provides a platform to help you manage your social media accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. With the use of Sproutsocial you can post and schedule messages, manage teams and social channels, assignments and tasks. It has a single stream inbox so that you can monitor your messages from a central place.


This is one of the leading social media management tools.  Hootsuite provides you with a well equipped dashboard to efficiently measure and manage your various social media networks and profiles. It provides you with the capability to track conversations as well as monitor the results of your social media campaigns from a single place. You can schedule your tweets and messages, monitor brand mentions as well as get an analysis on the traffic.


This tool provides one of the most powerful social media management platform. Buzzbundle provides a single workplace to manage all your social profiles. You can schedule posts, messages or announcements.


This is one of the highly rated social networks management tool. It is available as a desktop and web solution. It can be used on Chrome browsers, Windows and Mac powered desktops. Tweetdeck helps you provide flexibility and insight to your social media activities. It helps you arrange feeds, and has filters so that you can focus on what is important to you. You can schedule your tweets, and be up-to date with alerts from fresh Tweets.


This tool makes blogger outreach easy and effective. With Buzzstream you can do various task such an influencer research, accomplish relationship management, do list building, manage outreach, carry out project management and task management.


Buffer lets you add articles, videos and images that you want to share on social media networks while it does the rest for you automatically by sharing them throughout the day. You can manage your multiple accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+. It also offers a detailed analytics and insights on every post you put out through your social media networks. Buffer is available as browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox etc. There are also native apps for mobile devices.


This tool has many useful features to enable you schedule tweets, retweets, auto-follow, Send Direct Messages, Inbox clean up etc. Socialoomph is available as a free trial and as paid option.


This was initially socialbro.  Audiense has features that helps you to engage, target and manage audience on Twitter. It comes with tools for browsing your community, enables you to identify major influencers, track engagement, helps you to determine what is the most appropriate time to tweet. You can also generate a report and do analysis of the tasks performed.

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You can also read: How to create a successful social media marketing plan


This tool enables you to engage with your customers, measure the results as well as monitor your brand across various social media sites. This is done from a single workplace. You are able to schedule messages and can run and manage varied marketing campaigns too. Sendible enables you to do brand monitoring, generate leads, do sentiment analysis and you can build brand awareness. You can also access powerful analytics and tracking tools.

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187 responses to “Over 9 Best tools to help you Manage your Social Media Networks”

  1. Going to come back and look at this later today, as I was talking with a friend recently about which one does a better job and you mention some in your list that we weren’t even considering!
    Thank you so much for the great content as always!

    1. Hi Beth, am grateful for you feedback. You are most welcomed.

  2. Great list, John! I was aware of most of them but there are a few that I haven’t heard until now. I’ll check them out. Thanks 🙂

    1. Hi, thanks for dropping by!

  3. […] You can also read: Free Social Media Management tools. […]

  4. […] You can also read the related article: 9 Tools to help you manage your social media accounts. […]

  5. Great tips! Thanks so much for sharing.

  6. Lovely blog! I would definitely love to try out these tools soon! Thank you for sharing.

  7. Thank you for these suggestions! I currently use Buffer but I’m not thrilled with it, looking for something better.

    1. Hi Nati, I always appreciate your feedback! welcome.

  8. This is a very useful post. I use Hootsuite but haven’t heard of the others till now. Will take a look!

    1. Hi Lisa, thanks for your feedback.

  9. Great and informative post. Great list, i could remember making use of buffer then when i started blogging newly.

    1. Hi Matthew, thanks for visiting.

  10. I never heard of most of these except for buffer which I use often. nice list very helpful

  11. It’s nice to have some tools to help with social media. Blogging and social media really take a lot of time and anything to make the process more efficient is helpful. Thanks for sharing these.

    1. Hi, you are welcomed.

  12. Glad to learn about this post and how to attract traffic in an effective way. There are so many tools to help out and still looking at the best one to help me out. Thanks.

  13. I was just looking for tools to help me keep better track of my analytical data. Great post!

    1. Thanks Sara, glad you found some useful tools from this post.

  14. I could use more automation of my social media. It’s so time intensive. A couple of those tools like BuzzBundle and Audiense I haven’t heard of before so will check them out.

    1. Hey Debra, thanks for dropping by.

  15. I use Hootsuite and Buffer. The first one i use for Instagram, I find it so much easier to write caption on my computer rather than on my phone. Buffer is great for scheduling social media posts. 🙂

    1. Hi Joanna, glad to learn that you are already using some of these tools!

  16. Loved this post. I’m new to blogging and reading this post has given me a lot to research as tools to use on my blog.

    1. Hi Lynn, thanks very much for your positive feedback.

  17. I use buffer myself and love it! I need to try some of these other tools out too!

    1. Hi Eileen, I would recommend Hootsuite.

  18. THis is great, I need to pick one to help me automate my process.

    1. Hi, thanks for reading.

  19. […] You can also read the related article: 9 Tools to help you manage your social media accounts. […]

  20. Hi John,

    Awesome list. Tweetdeck and buffer are my favorites from this list. Both are free, easy to use and offers many features to manage your social account especially Tweetdeck.

    Thanks for the share,


    1. Hi Manoj, Yes, the two are some of the best social media management tools otherwise thanks for the visit.

  21. […] You can also read: Social Media Management tools. […]

  22. Luna V Avatar

    Thanks for the tips! It’s crazy how much valuable time social media can suck from you if you’re not careful.

    1. Hi Luna, I appreciate your visit.

  23. These are some fantastic tools, John. So far, I’ve only tried Buffer and Hootsuite so I’m happy to try the others as well. Thanks for sharing this again.
    Visiting today from #ThoughtfulThursdays.
    Marva | SunSparkleShine

    1. Hi, I appreciate your visit and the feedback.

  24. […] 9 Best tools to help you manage your social media networks from Business and Life Tips […]

  25. Hootsuite is the only one of these I’m familiar with, and I don’t love it, so I’m going to check out some of the others. Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com!

  26. Yu have introduced me to some new options. I am having fun exploring them.

    1. Thanks very much for reading.

  27. […] You can also read: 9 Tools to help you manage your social media accounts. […]

  28. […] You can also read: 9 Tools to help you manage your social media accounts […]


  30. Hi,
    Are Sendible and Audience free? Congrats! You won the Inspire Me Monday Linky Party again!

    1. Hi Janice, thanks for visiting and for the win! They are free to join, but you may need to pay for more features. I think its like the way other social media networks where you pay for a bigger reach like Triberr, even this too happens on Facebook where you pay for your posts to be boosted.

  31. This is some great info. I had only heard of Hootsuite before. You broke things down really well!

    1. Thanks for the positive feedback.

  32. I’ve tested several different social media tools and Hootsuite is definitely my favorite. I’ve found it offers the best social media management for me, but there is certainly a tool out there for everyone. I’ll be tweeting and pinning this post! Greetings from the Inspire Me Monday linky!

    1. Hi, yes Hootsuite is one the best tool for social media management with its amazing features that make your work easier. Sproutsocial and Buffer are too some of my favorites. Thanks for visiting.

  33. Very comprehensive post as usual, John! This really comes in handy! I’m still (stupidly) posting manually or using the inbuilt schedulers (except for Pinterest – I use Tailwind) but thinking of getting a tool to manage my social accounts, so thanks for the detailed and useful tips!

    1. Hey Lucrezia, thanks for visiting again. Yes, these tools helps you save time and also makes it easy to manage several accounts with ease though you have to do the engagement manually, these helps build a relationship with your followers.

  34. I had only heard of a couple of these, I didn’t know there were so many out there! And the one I use isn’t even on the list! I use Recur Post. It probably doesn’t do a lot of the stuff the others do, especially since I have the free version, but free is all I can afford at the moment! It has saved me a lot of time, though, which is what I was looking for! Thank you for sharing these, it’s something to keep in mind for the future!

    1. Hi Cherryl, thanks very much for the insightful comments on this post. It is always good to shop around for the best tools before settling for one. Reading articles like this gives you arrange of tools to select from.

  35. Social media can take a lot of time. Tools to cut it down are really important.

    1. Hi Peter, yes tools helps you make some tasks easy to manage saving you a lot of time but it is also advisable to take time to engage your audience physically therefore finding the balance between automation and being active by yourself leads to better results.

  36. Thank you for posting this. Sharing posts on social media can be time consuming and I have been looking for ways to manage my time more effectively.

    1. Hello John, exactly true, tools makes it easy to schedule and post even at times when you are doing other tasks. You can also be able to monitor how you content is performing, in terms of engagement. This enable you to make improvements where necessary.

  37. This is where I struggle. Social media is so hard to keep up with. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Poeksel, am grateful for your visit. You are welcomed again.

  38. I hadn’t heard of any of these before reading this post. Thanks for the informative read ?

    1. Most welcomed.

  39. Extremely helpful list and while I am familiar with some of them like Hootsuite, Buffer and Tweetdeck, I haven’t given the others a try. Maybe I should. Are the others all paid platforms?

    1. Hi thanks for visiting. Yes, all this are paid though the likes of Hootsuite and sproutSocial have a free trial period.

  40. I hadn’t heard of any of these other than Hootsuite. I think I will go and take a look at some that may help. Do you have one that you think works best ?

    1. Sproutsocial is also a reliable social media automation tool besides this, I also like Hootsuite, and Buffer.

  41. This is a great list and it’s very helpful to me. It looks like you have a lot of great info on your site! I’m going to save this to my pin board and I’m subscribing!

    1. Thanks very much for the positive feedback. Most welcomed.

  42. Didin’t know about BuzzBundle, BuzzStream and Audiense. Checked out all three sites, seem easy to use. Have tried Hootsuite, Tweetdeck and Buffer before.

    1. Hi, it is always good to try a number of these services and see what works well for you. Thanks for visiting.

  43. I really want to get buffer but I haven’t had the chance to really sit down with it yet! Great post 🙂

    1. Hi, you can start now, and see how it can help you best manage your social media tasks.

  44. What do you think of Smarter Queue? I like that one very much.

    1. I haven’t tried it, I may consider it but in future.

  45. Didin’t know buzzbundle yet! Thanks for the list!

    1. Hi Sophie, appreciated.

  46. Thank you for the tips!!

    1. Most appreciated.

  47. I really like your article but here I want to add my knowledge and experience in social media management I use Social Champ it has very impressive feature more interesting is recycling post which helps me in gaining more generic traffic I recommend you to try it !

    1. Thanks for the additional Tip. Welcome.

  48. Great suggestions. I’ll definitely be trying these.

  49. Great informative article! I have used a lot of these, but not BuzzBundle. Will need to check it out ! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Thanks for visiting.

  50. After reading this, it’s like I’m doing it all wrong! Very informative and helpful thank you! x

    1. Welcome Katie.

  51. sbrooks0387 Avatar

    Great list of tools. I find I spend a lot of time managing social media.

    1. Yeah, these tools make work easier, as you can schedule your posts at any time you think is appropriate.

  52. This are the best best tools indeed. Thanks for sharing

  53. Thank you for these tips! Its useful to know!

  54. very good article about important tools .. well done john

    1. Thanks for visiting.

  55. Many of these are new to me! Thanks!

  56. Great tips! Thank you sooooo much

    1. Hi, am grateful for your visit. Welcome.

  57. Didn’t know about most of them.. All I have to do is to choose the one I want. Very insightful post. Thumb up.

  58. Thanks for sharing, I hadn’t even heard of most of these!

  59. interesting post! i used hootsuite

  60. Thanks for that. I am looking for these kinds of websites where i can manage my social media.

  61. You always give your reader something new to learn John. Thank you.

    1. Hi Crisly thanks very much for being a loyal reader. Most welcomed.

  62. Very useful informations! Thank you for sharing! Great post! 🙂

  63. Great tips as always! Buffer and Hootsuite are definitely really good tools!

    1. Hi, thanks for dropping by again. Most welcomed.

  64. Great for when you simply don’t have the time to post!

    1. Yes, these tools are good for saving time and enabling you to focus on other things.

  65. This are powerful tools which will really help and ease the blogging life of a blogger. The truth is that I never knew that this tools are so powerful until now and I will really make use of them to help myself. Thanks for sharing boss.

    1. Hi Reginald, I appreciate your visit and for making very insightful comments.

  66. Jaiden Monroe Avatar
    Jaiden Monroe

    What a lifesaver! Great Post!

    1. Hi Jaiden, thanks for visiting. Most welcomed.

  67. […] For a full list of social media management tools, you can read: Social Media Management Tools. […]

  68. Checking a few out for sure. Do you have a favorite? I need one for Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

    1. My Favorites are Facebook and Pinterest. I understand Instagram is also a good driver of traffic, though personally I don’t use it that much.

  69. […] messages on your Facebook page, Twitter profile and Instagram profile from one place say by using your preferred social media monitoring and engagement tool.  If you respond to your audience, they are likely to come back or share the good experience with […]

  70. Hey John,

    That’s an awesome list. I invite you to try SMhack. In addition to the publishing, engagement and analytics, SMhack also offers competition benchmarking where you can spy on competitor’s social strategy. It also has approval workflow which makes ensures that the brand is in full control of their social media marketing. I would love to see your thoughts on SMhack. Give it a shot!!

  71. Hootsuite is my holy grail! I have been using it forever. Thx for your post !

  72. miljance93mommysup Avatar

    This is so useful. Thanks for sharing, I am definitely trying some of these.

    1. Hi, your comments are appreciated. Welcome.

  73. […] This is one of the widely used email marketing service provider. It comes with different pricing plans to suit your specific experience. MailChimp  offers a Free Plan in which you can have up to 2000 subscribers. You can also send up to 12000 emails in a month with this free plan. However the emails you send to your subscribers will have the MailChimp badge in the footer. They offer various pre-designed templates that helps you to personalize and customize your sign up forms and confirmation emails.  Monetize your blog by having outbound links automatically affiliated by Viglink. […]

  74. Nice write up, I’m now branching out into more social media for my blog. Saving to come back and implement some of your ideas so I don’t go crazy.

    1. Hi, am grateful for dropping by and your comments on the post.

  75. This is great, I didn’t even know about a lot of these- actually none apart from Hootsuite. Thanks for sharing them, super useful!

  76. Great list! I’ve been using the Later plugin and cannot stand it, so I will have to try some of these. I really feel that Hootsuite is the next best bet, since it seems you have to continually post (a lot) on a daily basis with Pinterest.

    1. Hi, thanks for dropping by. Yes, Hootsuite is one of the best tool to use for social media management. In my opinion, I would recommend it.

  77. I use both Buffer and Tailwind. Honestly, I would be using hootsuite but it’s just so expensive.

    1. Buffer is good too, and Tailwind works well for Pinterest. Maybe you can test Hootsuite on trial basis to see their performance. Sometimes the performance/capabilities may justify the cost.

  78. Hootesuite, Buffer etc..
    What do you suggest as the best way to manage social media in your opinion?

    1. Hi, I would recommend Hootsuite since it offers more features and capabilities to enable you manage various social media profiles. You can easily automate everything.

  79. There are a handful on here that I hadn’t heard about. Definitely going to be checking them out, thanks for the suggestions!

  80. Good information. I don’t use any social media management tool currently, I imagine it could be useful for rapid engagement

    1. Yes, the good thing about these tools, is automation. You don’t need to be present all the times on social media to post. You can have your posts or messages automatically set to be posted at a given future time.

  81. Great tips, just pinned this! 🙂

    Elisabet | http://www.fashionpoetry.eu

  82. very resourceful list of tools,thanks for sharing.

  83. These tips are very useful. Thank you!

  84. Good to know! Pinning to save and share.

    1. Hi, grateful for your comments.

  85. Great info so useful. I will need to start doing some of these

    1. Hi, thanks for passing by.

  86. shaunacoleman79 Avatar

    I actually read this yesterday. There is a lot of value here. i for one get distracted very easily and then wonder why page views are down at the end of the month, haha. Thanks for all the tips!

    1. Hi, thanks for dropping by. Your comments appreciated.

  87. Perfect timing and very helpful information. I have been using some of the free platforms and it’s time to upgrade to paying.

    1. yes, using a paid version gives you more features that plays to your advantage.

  88. Investinginlifeblog Avatar

    I really enjoy these tool helps! Thank you!

  89. This came at the perfect time. Thanks!

  90. Great tools thanks for the share

    1. Appreciated.

  91. Great tips! Will have to look into some of these.

    1. Hi, I appreciate your comments.

  92. Hootsuite is my holy grail! I have been using it forever. I definitely have to look into some of these other resources though. Great post 🙂

    1. Hi Nicole, thanks for your insightful comments.

  93. I’ve just discovered a social network called friends+.me that can post to Google+ communities! I found that Google+ communities can be a gold mine for targeted traffic and I’m testing Friend+.me right now. I will let you know how it goes! Happy to see that you have Pinterest images in your posts now! They look awesome. Sharing 🙂

    1. Hi Claire, thanks for dropping by, I have tried Google+ communities but I think they need a lot of engagement with the fellow users to gain from the traffic. I find Facebook Groups to more easier to use than G+ communities with regard to self promotion.

  94. I’ve been looking for the perfect tool to manage my social media and I think I’ve finally found it. Does buzzbundle really work with all social media platforms?

    1. Buzzbundle works for Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Youtube, LinkedIn, Forums, Q & A sites like Yahoo answers.

  95. Thanks for the list of tools! Social media can be a bit overwhelming at times, so I really need to get myself a management tool. Thanks for sharing, Leanne x

  96. Very informative and helpful article for bloggers. I didn’t knew about few of them. Thanks for sharing. Nice post..

    1. Hi, thanks for your comments.

  97. Useful and informative article for all blogger. Nice post. Thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Amisha, thanks for your insightful comments.

  98. Really nice tools to work on.

    1. Hi Ankur, thanks for your comments.

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