Ezoic vs. Monumetric – Which is the best option to monetize your website?

When it comes to monetizing a website through display of ads, we have so many ad networks that you can work with. Since I started blogging I have tested countless ad networks until I found the best networks that I use to generate some reasonable income from my site.

One of the networks I have been using is Ezoic, I have been working with this network for almost a year now, at the writing of this post, and from the experience I have had with them, I can easily recommend them to anyone who want to increase their revenue on their websites/blogs.

Recently I came across a new network that every publisher is talking about right now, called Monumetric. They almost do the same thing as Ezoic. Since am always looking for better networks to help me earn online, I had to check out this ad management network. I applied to join, but after going through their terms and conditions, I decided not to proceed with the application and that is why am going to discuss some of the reasons that made me not to consider joining Monumetric and stick with Ezoic.

Ezoic vs. Monumetric -Which is the best option to monetize your website?

Before we learn more about Monumetric let’s look at Ezoic for those who have no knowledge about it.

What is Ezoic?

Actually Ezoic is an ad-testing platform that enables website owners or publishers to increase their site’s revenue as well as user experience. The Ezoic Ad Tester helps publishers optimize their ad performance.

I have discussed extensively how Ezoic ad tester works in the following articles:


As I indicated up there, Monumetric almost works in the same way as Ezoic. They are an ad manager. They help publishers earn more on their websites by optimizing their ads i.e. they will determine the best ads placement on your site to maximize impressions.

Key Points about Monumetric

  • They have 4 programs in place with different traffic requirements  i.e. Propel (10K-80K page views/month), Ascend (80K-150K page views/month), Stratos (500K-10 million page views/month), Apollo (10 million+ page views/month)
  • You need at least 10K page views per month to join the network
  • Publishers who have over 10K page views per month but less than 80K page views/month must pay $99 to join the program
  • For Propel users, they must have a minimum of 6 ads on their site, they must also not create new contract with external ad providers for more than 2 additional ads, they must also inform Monumetric of any request for new ad partners and lastly they must allow Monumetric the right to place in-image ads on their website when they go live with Propel.
  • Monumetric will do the set-up and install the tags on your website although you can still do it by yourself.
  • You have to keep Monumetric ad tags live for 30 straight days after joining the network to qualify for your earned revenue.
  • You have to give them a 30 day notice before leaving the program i.e. terminating the agreement.
  • If a publisher leaves the program without a sufficient notice, they stand losing the refund of the fee they paid.

RelatedEzoic vs. Google AdSense – Which is the best option to monetize your site?

Ezoic Vs. Monumetric

Let us now compare Monumetric with what Ezoic platform can offer, and what is required of you to join both of them:

  1. While both Ezoic and Monumetric allow publishers to join their platforms with at least 10,000 monthly page views to their websites, Ezoic does not charge publishers, it is free to join but Monumetric Propel users have to pay $99 to join the network. [Update: currently Ezoic allows publishers to join the network irrespective of their site’s monthly page views, you simply sign up for the Access Now option ]. If your site has the 10,000 monthly page views, then you can go for the Ezoic standard option which has much faster approval process.
  2. Although Publishers in both networks can control the number of ads that run on their websites, Monumetric Propel users have to a keep a minimum of 6 ads on their sites.
  3. For Ezoic users, they can easily switch ON/OFF Ezoic ads without any problem whereas new users joining Monumetric must keep their ad tags live for straight 30 days.
  4. You don’t need any notice to leave Ezoic, you can simply stop displaying Ezoic ads and Ezoic will pay you any pending balance as scheduled but for Monumetric you have to give them a 30 day notice prior to leaving their platform.
  5. Implementing Ezoic on your website can take a matter of minutes provided your site is approved. Site approval takes 1-3 days for Ezoic whereas for Monumetric, you have to have wait for 2-6 weeks to have ads running on your approved website.
  6. Ezoic users can work with any ad network of their choice whereas for Monumetric Propel users, they have to inform Monumetric of any requests to work with new ad partners.
  7. Ezoic payment is done on Net 30 days while for Monumetric, it is Net 60

The above gives you a clear understanding how these two networks differ, and can help you make an informed decision when you are choosing one over the other, to me  the best option for new bloggers is Ezoic.

We can also consider that Native Advertising is an excellent alternative to Google Ads for publishers, we advise you to read article What is Native Advertising? in order to fully understand what Native Ads is used to earn income.

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27 responses to “Ezoic vs. Monumetric – Which is the best option to monetize your website?”

  1. […] Related: Ezoic vs. Monumetric – Which is the best option to monetize your website? […]

  2. […] Ezoic vs. Monumetric – Which is the best option to monetize your […]

  3. Thank you for this review. Who pays more? Monumetric or Ezoic? I have applied to Monumetric about 3 months ago and haven’t heard anything from them. After reading your review I might be lucky?

    1. It depends on your traffic. All of them seem to pay well.

  4. I have received invitations to try Ezoic, but I didn’t give it a push. Thank you for this discussions.

    1. Hi, have been with them for almost 2 years now, I highly recommend them.

  5. Thank you for this review. Its exactly what I was looking for. I would like to join ezoic because my website has more than their required monthly views. I was wondering whether they would accept me as I have never applied for a Google Adsense account and they state that one must be approved on Google adsense. What are your thoughts on this? TIA

    1. I started Using Ezoic even before I connected my Adsense, you can still join Ezoic without one, they only insist on Adsense because it helps you earn more because adsense ads bid higher than other ads.

  6. Kevin And Jade Avatar
    Kevin And Jade

    Hi John, does Ezoic need a specific percentage of the market to come from a particular country (ie US)?

    1. No, they just need that 10K irrespective of the country source.

  7. […] Ezoic vs. Monumetric, which is the best option? […]

  8. […] Ezoic vs. Monumetric, which one is the best of the two for bloggers? […]

  9. latitudecrossing Avatar

    How does Ezoic measure your website traffic?

    1. They use Google analytics, the applicant provides read only access to his/her Google Analytics account for them to be able to analyse the traffic before they approve.

      1. latitudecrossing Avatar

        Thanks 🙂

  10. Not heard of either so thanks for this post #GlobalBlogging

    1. I appreciate your visit!

  11. Thank you for sharing this wonderful information that is well written. I really learned alot.

    1. Hi Laura, you are welcomed.

  12. I’m no where near 10k a month yet but it’s always useful to check out what I can use when/if I get to a point where I can monitize my blog. Thanks for sharing!

    Ash | thisdreamsalive.wordpress.com

    1. Hi, I really appreciate your feedback!

  13. i don’t really under Ezioc ad tester but I do have Ezioc on my blog

    1. Hi Janice, If you joined Ezoic, and not able to Integrate it, I can help you set it up.

  14. This is great. I am a huge fan of Ezoic! Monumetric had this whole thing where they would go back and forth on me being approved…I’d get one email saying yes then another saying no and so on and so on. I just don’t use them because if they can’t get their internal communication right, how well are they going to work for me? I’ll stick with AdSense and Ezoic, thanks! lol

    1. Hi, Stephanie, glad to learn you are using Ezoic! I really appreciate your visit and feedback.

  15. Thank you for this review. I started Adsense on my blog a couple of months ago and have been slowly working my way up the learning curve for having ads on my site. This is very helpful for someone in my situation.

    1. Hi Gillian, I too use Adsense, but Ezoic earns more than Adsense. Thanks for reading and taking time to comment.

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